Michaela Langston


Michaela was born and raised in the world of both canine and equine sports, having started at an early age in the AKC Juniors (Conformation) ring, traveling to AKC shows with family, showing their Black and Tan Coonhounds and Great Danes to dozens of championships.  Being fortunate enough to witness the dogs competing was awe-inspiring, but being able to raise the puppies born to their kennel was where she learned the most about development and behavior first-hand!

Post high school, while working on a cow-horse ranch, she realized she needed a “gritty“ dog to work stock, so she switched from the hunting and working breeds to the herding breeds.  She decided on the Australian Cattle Dog due to their natural instinct, drive, and tenacity and has been hooked ever since!

She got involved in numerous dog sport clubs with her first Australian Cattle Dog, who was a “jack of all trades” earning titles in IGP, Working Dogs of America, Rally, Obedience, and Trick Dog.  He paved the way for several more dogs to follow in his paw prints and opened doors towards Michaela learning modern training theory.

In 2016, she began teaching obedience classes, and loved seeing her students bond with their dogs in a meaningful way, whether it be the family companion or a Nationals hopeful.  Michaela takes the opportunity to attend seminars, online courses, and other continuing education regularly, living under the philosophy that “dog training is never truly mastered - only improved upon every step of the way, tailored to each individual dog.”

Currently, she is showing several young dogs in AKC Conformation, Rally, and Obedience.  She wants all her dogs, and the dogs of her students, to shine with confidence and truly enjoy the work they are doing.  She firmly believes in relationship first, for the love of the dogs and all they do for us.